![]() Installation view. Salon3, Elephant&Castle Shoppingcenter,London. | Gunilla Klingberg: "Special Offer" 1999 Gunilla Klingberg has demonstrated an ongoing interest in urbaniconography, its manifestations and effects. One way in which she hasinvestigated this is through an examination of logotypes, manipulatingfamiliar symbols into psychedelic patterns until they dissolve into theircomponent pixels. Klingberg´s contribution to salon3´s recent "Plug In" project, ShoppingCentre, was a continous slide projection depicting the familiar Elephant &Castle symbol saturated with pink. For a recent one-person exhibition atGalleri Ynglingagatan 1, Seven Eleven Twist (All lost in the supermarket)she distorted the Seven Eleven logo - a ubiquitous emblem of the city - toa twisting mandala of green and orange. By examining the potency of signs,Klingberg assays the pervasiveness of our marketing-led culture whilemapping global capitalism. The location of salon3 in the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre is theperfect base from which Gunilla Klingberg can undertake her retail-basedresearch. This has yielded a site-specific billboard that responds to theproximity of a supermarket chain alongside independent local stores and isvisible throughout the normal opening hours of the shopping centre.A series of hand-printed paper carrier bags has also been produced thatwill be available in the mall and to salon3 visitors. Supported by IASPIS Special thanks to CRAC -Creative Room for Art and Computing Back to Gunilla Klingberg cv. | ||