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Current Exhibitions at Y1

Swetlana Heger & Plamen Dejanov

On several occasions Swetlana Heger and Plamen Dejanov have "exhibited" an emptyspace where companies could rent advertising space. In this way they have turnedaround the selection processes that traditionally apply in the art world . Therules of the market that, of course, also apply within the art system althoughmostly from the gallerist's side become an important part of the work itself.Earlier this year at the Kunstverein in Munich Heger and Dejanov installed acomplete BMW showroom, filled with brochures and other advertising information.A project in the objet trouvé tradition but where the original function remainedintact even in the new context. It becomes necessary to revise Ad Reinhardt'sstatement that "art is art and everything else is everything else": art can beart but it can also be something else, and in addition something much moredesirable. Heger's and Dejanov's project at Y1 also focuses on the high statusGerman car. Heger and Dejanov will be in Stockholm during the entire exhibitionperiod and the exhibition will change during this time. A process which isperhaps not so unlike the constant fluctuations of the market.

Jeremy Deller & Karl Holmqvist (UK/Swe): "Now it is Allowable"

Jeremy Deller and Karl Holmqvist are showing the result of a collaboration thatevolves around the Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) that wasshown earlier this year at the venerable Swedenborg Association in London. TheEnglishman Deller, who has, among other things, designed a t-shirt for Agnès B.,in 1997 he organised the well-received exhibition "The Uses of Literacy", inwhich the pop group Manic Street Preachers and their fans were the main focus.The artist and Swedenborg fanatic Karl Holmqvist had his last exhibition at Y1in the spring of 1996, and now he and Deller are exploring the relationshipbetween dreams and reality: "Making art nowadays is really nice, all you have todo is sleep all day, and all night, and then everything is all ready just as itshould be..."

Ann-Sofie Back (Swe): "Autumn 99"

Eighteen months ago Ann-Sofie Back received a Masters degree in Women's Wear>from St. Martin's College of Arts in London. At the moment her clothes are notavailable in Sweden. They can be bought at The Pineal Eye in London and thePurple Institute in Tokyo. At Y1 she is exhibiting clothes from her thirdcollection under her own name. When the collection was shown in its entirety inLondon at the ICA this spring it was described by the press as "home-madeavant-garde" and "democratic avant-garde". According to Ann-Sofie Back theclothes are "aspirational" - the garments aspire to something more than theyare, they want to be first-rate but one sees immediately that they are badquality.

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Y-1, döbelnsgatan 2, 111 40 stockholm, sweden, +46-(0)8-101413, info@y-1.com